Festival coming up?

Here are some suggestions for funky and cool accessories to take with you to your next festival. It is not just about looking cool but also a way to distinguish your kids from the rest so go over the top, the more the merrier and the brighter the better! 

From Cool glasses to face art or accesories for your jackets, shoes or head we have what you need to make your kids stand out from the crowds!


and if you like what our model is wearing, here are the details:
Braveling socks http://www.lublue.co.uk/socks-and-tights
Denim dungarees http://www2.hm.com/en_gb/index.html
Hunter rucksack http://www.hunterboots.com/bags/original-top-clip-backpack-nylon/black/3862

Have fun, 


Posted: 12/07/2017 16:00:59 by | with 0 comments
Filed under: accesories, festival, music